Local Government Areas:
Aboh mbaise L.G.A
Ahiazu mbaise L.G.A
Ehime Mbano L.G.A
Ezinithitte L.G.A
Imo State Zipcodes
ldeato North L.G.A
ldeato South L.G.A
lkeduru L.G.A
lsiala mbano L.G.A
lsu L.G.A
Mbaitoli Zip L.G.A
Ngor/okpala Zip L.G.A
Njaba L.G.A
Nkwere Zip L.G.A
Nwangele Zip L.G.A
Obowu L.G.A
Oguta L.G.A
Ohaij Egbema L.G.A
Okigwe L.G.A
Orlu L.G.A
Orsu L.G.A.
Oru East L.G.A.
Oru West L.G.A
Owerri North L.G.A
Owerri West L.G.A
Unuino L.G.A.
please what is Ezinihitte l.G.A postal code
Hi Ezenwa,
Ezinihitte L.G.A postal code is – 462112
What’s the postcode of ehime Mbano LGA
Hi Emmanuel,
Postal code for Ehime Mbano – 472101.
What’s ehime Mbano postcode.
Please what is the zip code for Owerri North?
Oweri North Zip Code is – 460100
Hi Nwosu,
Oweri North Zip Code is – 460100
pls send me that of owerri @emma college. mi
y name is michael jacob
Please what is the code for Owerri North?
pls whats the postal code for obowo LGA
what is the postal code for ikeduru L.G.A
Whats the PO for IMO state capital ie owerri town
What is the postal code for Owerri municipal council
please what is the postal code for owerri minicipal
What is ahiazu mbaise post code
please what is the postal code for Mbaitoli LGA,
What is owerri west post code
Please what is imo postal code
postal code of Nkwerre
what is owerri north or irete postcode
what’s Ngor-Okpala L G A reverse code
Please what is Isu L.G.A Postcode
Wat is owerri municipal postal code
Why not make this site more resourceful by attaching the postal codes to each city, village or town so that visitors can get what they want at click, instead of this vain glorious search for attention.
please what is the postal code for Ohaji/Egbema LGA
pls which one is union LGA?
sorry unuino LGA
Please what’s the postal code for ikeduru LAG IMO state?
Please what is is LGA post codes
Please what is isu LGA postal codes
pls what is mbaitoli postal code
Please what’s the postal code of Okigwe
What’s the postal code for ngor okpala?
what is the postal code for Oguta LGA
please what is the post code for owerri west
please what is the postal code of ORSU LGA?
please what is ORSU LGA postal code?
What is the postal code for Ihitte/Uboma LGA
What’s the zip code for Ihitte/Uboma?
What is the postal code for owerri?
Wat is postal code for owerri
What is the zip code for ihitte/uboma
What’s the postal code for Ihitte/Uboma?
Please can you help me with Okwu Nkwerre postal code please
Pls I’m what zip code
Please sir, what is Ahiazu mbaise zip code
please what is the postal code for owerri municipal
Please what’s naze postal code
good evening sir please what is imo state postcode
Pls code for ikeduru
please what is the zip/postal code for isiala mbano
What is mbailitol L G A postal code
What is my nipost digital address?
Am from umuokele enyiogugu