Mbaka-Ange Streets Zip Codes
District: Mbaka-Ange, Vandeikya L.G.A, Benue State. Associated Zip Code:
District Name: District: Mbaka-Ange
Local Government Area: Vandeikya L.G.A
State: Benue State
Nigeria Postal Codes & Zip Codes – Official
The official Postal and Zip Codes in Nigeria, their Local Government Areas, Districts, Streets and Zip Codes
Mbaka-Ange Streets Zip Codes
District: Mbaka-Ange, Vandeikya L.G.A, Benue State. Associated Zip Code:
District Name: District: Mbaka-Ange
Local Government Area: Vandeikya L.G.A
State: Benue State
I’m proud of mbakaange,am a real tivman from vandeikya Benue state